Volunteers of the Month: Steve Pounder and Anthony Zunino

The Greater Bandon Association has named the February and March recipients of its Volunteer of the Month award. Steve Pounder is the winner for February while Anthony Zunino has been chosen for March as GBA continues its third year of presenting this award to the many outstanding individuals that contribute to making Bandon a better community to live in. Steve and Anthony were presented the awards in form of a plaque and gift certificates from Alloro’s and Edgewaters respectfully at the March 5th meeting of Bandon’s City Council.

Steve who retired after more than a decade as chief fish fryer, employing umpteen teenagers and Bandon folks, at Bandon Fish Market. Steve has counseled and supported untold numbers of teens that worked for him over the years. He silently steps up to take on the heavy lifting tasks that few others will for the Cranberry Festival or Night of 10,000 Lights, like putting up vendor tents or displays or hauling heavy equipment. This year, he worked in some very nasty weather with the City utility crew and Port inmate work crew in getting lights up at the Visitor Center and getting the Community Christmas Tree up and lit.

When it comes to doing the heavy lifting, Anthony takes second to none. In previous years, it was Anthony who helped find the Community Christmas Tree, get it to town and get it installed in the Visitor Center parking lot.  From a business standpoint, Freedom Graphics has often designed and printed posters at no cost for community events. Even more, how many groups and events have benefitted from Anthony’s sound equipment and expertise? And for the last six years, he has headed the Chamber’s Cranberry Festival activities. As for the non-profit world, Anthony steps up for foster kids through groups such as Life Adventures for Foster kids.

The Greater Bandon Association will be honoring one of Bandon’s many volunteers that are making a difference in the community each month. Nominations for the April award should be e-mailed to harv@greaterbandon.org or mailed to P.O. Box 161 by close of business on March  23rd.

(Article/Photo by Amy Moss-Strong, Bandon Western World)